01. Katarina II - Aut
02. Katarina II - Vrt
03. Katarina II - Platforme
04. Katarina II - Radostan dan
05. Katarina II - Geto
06. Katarina II - Treba da se cisti
07. Katarina II - Ja znam
08. Katarina II - Kad krenem ka
09. Katarina II - Treba da se cisti 2
10. Katarina II - Jesen
Milan Mladenović - gitara, glas; Bojan Pečar - bas; Margita Stefanović - klavijature;
Dragomir Mihailović - gitara; Ivan Vdović - bubnjevi;
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EKV - Ekatarina velika (1985) / New Remaster - KA Productions CD (RTLJ Licenca) (2009)
Ekatarina Velika is the second studio album by the Serbian rock band Ekatarina Velika, released in 1985. Before this release, the band was called Katarina II, and had released a self-titled album in 1984. The group personnel included the new drummer, Ivan "Firchie" Fece (ex. Luna, Jakarta), who had replaced Ivan "VD" Vdović, and excluded Dragomir "Gagi" Mihajlović. The album was recorded at the Zagreb SIM studio with Vladimir Smolec as a producer. The guest stars were Massimo Savić (backing vocals), at the time the lead singer of the Croatian band Dorian Grey and Tomo In Der Muhlen (on guitar) from the rock/new wave band Karlowy Vary.
Track listing
(all songs and arrangements written by Ekatarina Velika, all lyrics by Milan Mladenović except where noted)
01. Oči boje meda – 3:36
02. Zaboravi ovaj grad (lyrics: M. Stefanović) – 3:03
03. Tattoo – 2:49
04. Hodaj – 4:06
05. Ruke – 3:01
06. Modro i zeleno – 4:00
07. To sam ja (lyrics: EKV) – 3:58
08. Olovne godine (lyrics: M. Stefanović) – 3:47
09. I've always loved you – 5:14
* Milan Mladenović - vocals, guitar
* Margita Stefanović - piano, keyboards, backing vocals
* Bojan Pečar - bass, backing vocals
* Ivan "Firchie" Fece - drums
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EKV - S' vetrom uz lice (1986) / New Remaster - KA Productions CD (RTLJ Licenca) (2009)
S' vetrom uz lice (English: With Face Against the Wind) is the third studio album by the Serbian rock band Ekatarina Velika, released in 1986. With this album Ekatarina Velika reached a wider audience, and it is considered to be the commercial breakthrough for the band. The new drummer, replacing Ivan "Firchie" Fece, was Ivan "Raka" Ranković (ex. Tvrdo srce i velike uši). The album was recorded and mixed in SIM studio in Zagreb and produced by Dragan Čačinović and Ekatarina Velika.
Track listing
(all songs and arrangements written by Ekatarina Velika, all lyrics by Milan Mladenović except where noted)
01. Budi sam na ulici – 5:10
02. Ti si sav moj bol – 3:54
03. Kao da je bilo nekad – 4:28
04. Umorna – 4:38
05. Novac u rukama – 3:43
06. Sarajevo – 2:52
07. Stvaran svet oko mene – 2:46
08. Soba – 4:27
09. Grad (lyrics: Milan Mladenović, Margita Stefanović, Bojan Pečar) – 4:09
* Milan Mladenović - vocals, guitar
* Margita Stefanović - piano, keyboards, vocals
* Bojan Pečar - bass
* Ivan "Raka" Ranković - drums
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kako mogu nabaviti knjigu "DECAK IZ VODE " Milana Mladenovica